Gambling Legal Consequences
Pros and Cons of Legalizing Gambling
Today, millions of both young and elderly men and women are participating in various forms of gambling. There are many people who are already addicted to gambling as a way earning a living as there are equally many who participate in gambling on a less frequent basis. The game of gambling features various types of wagering including casino dice games, style cards, betting in sports events and electronic games such as poker. However, some of these gambling games are received contrarily different in other countries in accordance with their laws and regulations. In relation to these controversies, there are unending debates as to whether gambling should be legalized or not. In case gambling is legalized, the question remains on what will be the benefits and shortcomings in the society or the economy of a country. Therefore, the paper outlines the possible pros and cons associated with legalization of gambling.
In addition, gambling sites will create job opportunities as many of this joints are linked with hotels and night clubs. Therefore, legal gambling is a lucrative business that generates billions of dollars that are channeled into an economy as genuine revenues. Second, lawful gambling leads to legal behaviors from the participants. Problem gambling’s harmful effect on relationships suggests that in some cases familicide involving a spouse or partner followed by suicide can occur. 13 A suicide-by-cop scenario arises when a person overwhelmed by seemingly inescapable consequences resulting from gambling fixates on a suicide plan that assures a high possibility of lethality.
Pros of Legalizing Gambling
First, fully legalized gambling will bring economic stimulation. Permission from the authorities would steer the establishing of standard gambling spots such as casinos that will attract many gamblers including tourist who many earn foreign exchange to a country. For example, in Las Vegas, the gambling business has thrived and this has boosted the state of Nevada in terms of revenue collection through licenses and taxes. In addition, gambling sites will create job opportunities as many of this joints are linked with hotels and night clubs. Therefore, legal gambling is a lucrative business that generates billions of dollars that are channeled into an economy as genuine revenues.
Second, lawful gambling leads to legal behaviors from the participants. Since the casinos are marked as areas susceptible to countless types crimes such as fraud and robberies, making gambling illegal will activate more of these vices. According to studies on human behaviors, people are known to get involved more on prohibited activities than when they are allowed to participate since humans strive to access to what they do not have. Therefore, if gambling is legalized, it will promote lawful conduct and interactions among gambler in the casinos, hotels and clubs.
Third, legitimate gambling will provide various forms of entertainment to citizens. People will feels safe and excited to visit the casinos and other gambling sites when they operate legally. Additionally, the owners of the gambling sites will operate without the fear of breaking the law, and rather ponder on ways to improve the legal operations of their businesses. Thus, lawful gambling offers entertainments to participants as it acts as stress reducer because players in casinos will be playing with confidence and happiness.
Cons of Legalizing Gambling
As much as legalization of gambling appears to offer some benefits, still there are limitations which questions its legalization. One of the disadvantage is that financial concerns in the side of players. For example, players place huge sums of money when staking, and this is very risky in case of unfavorable outcomes. Many gamblers end up losing huge amount of cash that could be of good use elsewhere. Typically, gamblers goes to an extent of selling off some of their valuable assets in a bid to raise betting funds, which render many gamblers broke whenever they lose.
Another limitation associated with legalizing gambling is the possible increase of crime rates. Since some punters are addicted to gambling, they tend to engage in crime such as fraud and theft to raise money for gambling. Studies indicate that cities with many gambling hubs are characterized by high crime rates. Therefore, legalization of gambling will increase betting hubs, hence creating many players who would seek wagering money from any dishonest deal.
On This Page:
Approximately 10 million people in the United States live with a gambling addiction problem. A gambling addiction occurs when a person continues to gamble despite negative effects that may impact their finances, relationships, or well-being. Gambling addiction involves compulsions to seek out gambling, betting, and wagering, and the end result can be devastating for the gambler as well as his or her family.1People who struggle with a gambling or shopping problem often hide their issues out of shame and a desire for secrecy.
This often delays recovery and treatment and allows a gambling addiction to lead to other serious effects, including loss of jobs, failed relationships, and severe debt. Problem gambling is often associated with mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. Gambling problems don’t just affect mental health. People who have struggled with gambling benefit greatly from treatment and often also need family counseling and financial coaching to fully recover.
Christine’s Story
“You have to do the work in all areas of your recovery, including your finances. I chose to not do all the work necessary for a well-rounded recovery. Even though I was no longer actively gambling, my financial and legal troubles told me I still needed to work with a gambling addiction specialist. After my troubles occurred, I worked with a specialist for a year while I went through the legal mess I created.
“Now that I have reached eight and a half years in recovery from gambling addiction and alcohol abuse, I know it is my job, my duty, to be of recovery service to others. Life today is good!”
— Read Christine C.’s story and more at
The Cost of Problem Gambling in Your Community
Studies have shown that more than $6 billion has been lost each year to gambling addictions. This problem is far-reaching and can cause both individuals and companies to panic and act in ways they would not normally act.1
Gambling addictions also place a severe hardship on prison systems, public assistance programs, and legal systems. There are many consequences of gambling addictions that result in community economic costs.

Some community gambling addiction dangers include:
Gambling Legal Consequences Vs
- Increased rates of unemployment
- Bankruptcy
- Fraud and check forgery
- Forced home sales
- Increased alcohol and drug abuse
- Poor mental and physical health of individuals and families
How Gambling Impacts the Individual and Family
Gambling Legal Consequences Definition
While the addicted person will definitely suffer during a gambling addiction, that person’s family will also face challenges. The stress that the problem gambler experiences may cause irritable behavior, secrecy, and arguments. Calls from creditors and bill collectors erode relationships. Financial strains impact all family members, and strained relationships make the experience difficult for even extended family members, friends, and colleagues.
The children of gambling addicts also suffer in many ways, including:
- Emotional neglect and abandonment (and even physical abandonment) when one parent is consumed in an addiction.
- Stressed and irritable parents may lash out at children angrily, and even if they do not, these children can sense their parents’ tension.
- Children of people with gambling addiction are at higher risk of experiencing their own addictions later in life.
If You Can’t Stop Gambling, Your Life Will Be Forever Changed
The effects of a gambling addiction are often quite clear. A large number of people who engage in compulsive gambling will use credit cards and debit cards to pay casinos or internet gambling organizations. If you engage in problem gambling, you will most likely incur debt, damage your relationships, and lose sight of your goals in life.
There are many ways that an untreated gambling addiction can change your life.
Gambling Legal Consequences Meaning
- Family problems are very common. Almost all compulsive gamblers around the world have issues at home with their family because of their addiction.
- Financial devastation is unavoidable. People with a gambling addiction will go to extreme measures to get money to gamble. Many people eventually resort to stealing, taking out large loans, or other desperate means that are out-of-character.
- Job loss is very high among gambling addicts. Gambling addiction may lead you to miss work, or come to work distracted. Gambling addictions will interfere with work relations, promotions, and employment.
No matter how bad a gambling addiction has become, it is possible to turn things around. Call us for help today at 269-280-4673.