Online Gambling Tax Canada
Online Gambling. Residents can legally place bets over the Internet, whether it involves an online sportsbook or casino. It doesn’t matter if the provider is located within Canada or at an offshore location. Gambling Laws in Nunavut. Nunavut is the newest and least populated territory in Canada, and the. If you’re a resident of Canada, you don’t have to report any of those gambling winnings in Canada. You are also not eligible to claim a foreign tax credit on your tax return in Canada because you did not report any income outside the country. The only time you need to report income earned from gambling is if you’re running a gambling. The general rule on legal gambling winnings and taxes in Canada is simple. Unless you are a professional gambler, you do not need to pay taxes on your gambling winnings.
The following is not to be considered tax advice. PokerNews Canada is not liable for any actions taken based on this article.
Happy tax season, Canada! You have a little over a week to get your taxes filed and poker players are in their annual confuddled state, trying to figure out exactly what the law states about poker winnings.
If you don’t play professionally, the answer is easy: You don’t owe any taxes on your poker winnings. Lottery and gambling windfalls are not taxed in Canada because of the guiding principal that the gambling is done with after-tax dollars. Therefor, any winnings are exempt from tax.
For those of you who play poker for a living, the answer is a lot more murky and can only really be provided by an accountant who has taken a look at your personal circumstances.
Money earned from poker becomes taxable when it is income from a business. However, the line where poker becomes a business is frustratingly vague. For a person to be in the business of gambling, it would have to be provable that they expect to receive a recurring income and that the income was earned by their pursuit of profit.
Lottery and gambling windfalls are not taxed in Canada.
Ultimately, it must be decided on a case-by-case basis whether an individual is in the business of gambling.

Of course, as a business, expenses incurred in the pursuit of earnings would have to be deductible. Travel, accommodation, buy-ins, software, computer equipment, and more would all be business expenses. Because of this, Canada Revenue Agency doesn’t want players to be able to easily declare their gambling a business, because anyone who visited a casino could declare all of their losses as business expenses.
There have only been a few cases in all of Canadian case law where individuals have been found to be in the business of gambling. This is only in exceptional cases of very active, very profitable, and very skilled gamblers.
The Federal Court in 2013 (Radonjic v. Canada Revenue Agency) and the Tax Court of Canada in 2011 (Cohen v. The Queen) both closed their cases by determining the poker players in question were not conducting a gambling business.
Money earned from poker becomes taxable when it is income from a business.
In the case of Cohen, the player was a lawyer who quit his day job to become a professional poker player. He played a busy schedule of 35-50 hours a week and testified that he had a winning strategy of playing against inexperienced players. It was concluded that Cohen was a hobby player.
In the case of Radonjic, the player successfully supported himself for more than three years by playing online poker. He was also declared a hobby player.
The Federal Court made statements at the time that the frequency and intensity of playing online does not equate to a system of winning. Also, all players try to improve their odds of winning by having a winning strategy, so studying and practicing also doesn’t equate to a system of winning. Lastly, it was stated that setting up a method of payment to collect online winnings is not an indicator of a system.

Any poker player could have all of those things in place (playing many hours a week, dedicating time to studying and improving skills, and having online payments regularly transferred into a bank account) and still be considered a hobby player.
It must be said that these cases do not necessarily set a precedent for all poker players. Again, all players must be determined on a case-by-case basis whether they are conducting a gambling business.
Claiming Gaming & Casino Tax Refunds for Over 20 Years
We’ve been claiming gaming and casino tax refunds since 1996. We are Canada’s longest standing withholding tax refund agency. Owned and operated by a Canadian Chartered Accountant, we are also Canada’s top choice for gaming and casino tax refunds.
We offer One Simple Step™ which means we are the easiest gaming and casino tax refund service around. You are only required to sign where indicated, and we file the multitudes of forms required on your behalf.
Online Gambling Tax Canada Calculator
In order to make the refund process as easy as possible, we have formed relationships with most of the major gambling establishments. These relationships allow us to quickly retrieve your forms in the event that the forms you were issued were lost or damaged.
We Take Care of the Tax Recovery Process with the IRS
We have never been denied a rightful claim by the IRS. Despite this fact, we get customers every year who tried to claim their gaming or casino tax refund another way, often on their own. This decision led to mistakes in their application that caused the IRS to deny their claim.
Once a gaming or casino tax refund claim has been denied, the appeal process is even more complex than the claim. We leverage our special relationship with the IRS to navigate this process and reclaim as much as we can through an appeal.
One-Stop Gaming & Casino Tax Refund Agency
We are not only a gaming & casino tax refund agency, we are also an agent of the IRS. This means we are a one-stop refund agency, allowing you to take care of all the steps required for a gaming or casino tax refund in one place.

Gaming & Casino Tax Refund Eligibility
- You are a non-US resident.
- You have won taxable gaming income from specified gaming activity within the last three years.
- You have been issued an IRS Form 1042-S by the casino (if you have lost or misplaced these forms, we have developed relationships with casinos all across the US and can request them on your behalf).
- You have either a certified a) passport, OR a certified b) driver’s licence AND c) birth certificate
- You have qualified gaming losses (in accordance with the 1996 Canadian/US Tax Treaty).
After Winning How Much Time Do I Have To Get A Refund
The IRS has implemented a three-year filing rule. This rule allows one to go back three years to obtain a refund. Taxes on winnings prior to this period are statute-barred from any recovery. Most of our clients make their claim within days of returning back home. If you have won in the current year, refunds will be claimed at the beginning of the following taxation year.
What You Need to Know About The Tax On American Prize Winnings
Part of having a great time on any American vacation is the excitement of wagering, but before you spend all the money you win in the U.S., remember there’s a tax on prize winnings that goes as high as 30%.
If that number sounds high enough to put you off slot machines and even game shows when you’re down south, remember there are ways to get refunds through reputable Canadian firms that specialize in offsetting the tax on prize winnings you’d otherwise need to pay.
Online Gambling Tax Canada Forms
Once you understand that you can get some of that money back, of course you’ll want to know how fast that will happen. You should only deal with companies that are upfront on their websites about the turnaround time that’s often 12 to 15 weeks. Expect to get all the necessary information online like the fact that you can cut down the refund process time with a proper ITIN# and what your responsibilities are in the way of documentation.
Finally, you’ll need to find all the necessary eligibility information so you can proceed to get those refunds on the tax on prize winnings. First and foremost, you need to be a non U.S. resident.
Beat That Game Show Winning’s Tax Rate With RMS
Lots of Canadians and other international players are lured to the United States by the promise of big winnings on the game shows there. Still, contestants don’t always realize that when they win, so does the American tax man through the game show winnings tax rate that’s usually around 30%.
However, there’s no need to fret since a tax recovery company can help you get some of your money back from the Canadian side of the border. Of course you need to be sure the company that you’re considering is professional and knows all about getting you a game show winnings tax rate refund. Making sure they have the necessary experience is often about looking for testimonials on their website and a short and simple application form that helps you to get started.
Reputation and experience go hand in hand with these companies and if the company is founded and owned by someone that knows their stuff like a Chartered Accountant, all the better to get you the refund you deserve.
Online Gambling Tax Canada 2019
You need to do your part to get a refund and offset the game show winnings tax rate and a good company will let you know all of the eligibility requirements necessary so the process runs smoothly.
Online Gambling Tax Canada 2019
Apply now for free to have Canada’s #1 gaming & casino tax refund agency handle your refund.