Slot Pro Total Inox Faber
Before start, lap total = 0. First pass through sensors, lap total = 0 + reaction time. Second pass through sensors, lap total = 1 + lap time. Third pass through sensors, lap total = 2 + lap time. Sixteenth pass through sensors, lap total = 15 + lap time It is true that some lap timers do have an option to start counting on either 'lap 0'. Slot Inox $475.99 Espresso pod machine, compact and modern design. Simple but sophisticated lines, such as to enable it to give style to the spaces devoted to the coffee break.
4WD - Four wheel drive.
AFX/Tomy - A Slot Car manufacturer.
Anglewinder - A motor positioned at an angle to the rear axle.
APB - Advanced Powerbase. Scalextric digital powerbase.
Armature - The part of the motor which carries the coils.
Bearing - A general term for a device to reduce rotational friction.
Bushing - A sleeve bearing, through which the axles pass.
Braids - Braided wire strips that pick up power from the track rails.
BSCRA - British Slot Car Racing Association.
Can - The metal part of the motor which houses the magnets.
Can motor – A fully enclosed motor.
Chip - A small circuit board that is fitted to a digital car to enable control and use on a digital track.
Classic – Obsolete Scalextric track system.
CLC - Curved Lane Changer, specific to Digital slot track.
C-number - Scalextric product reference system.
Contrate - The gear on the rear axle in an inline motor configuration.
Controller - A hand throttle used to control a slot car.
Copper Tape - The traditional material used in creating power rails for a routed track.
Crown - The gear on the rear axle on an inline motor configuration.
D132 – Current Carrera version of Digital slot racing.
Decal - A water slide tranfer, used to apply graphics to a model.
Deslot - When a car's guide comes out of slot.
DPR - Digital Plug Ready – A Scalextric system allowing easy conversion to digital.
Dremel - Small rotary power tool with interchangeable tips for cutting, drilling, grinding, polishing, etc.
Drop Arm - A hinged arm on some chassis, which allows the guide to rise and fall independent of the chassis.
Endplay - The side to side motion in a fitted axle.
Flipper - The moving part of a digital lane changer which changes the direction of the car.
Floating Motor Pod - An adjustable, moving part of the chassis which holds the motor.
FF - Small, powerful motor fitted to Scalextric F1 cars, amongst others.
FWD - Front Wheel Drive.
Gear Puller - A tool used for removing & replacing press on gears.
Ghost/Ghost Car - Car running on track under control of the powerbase.
Guide - The component under a slot car which holds the braids, and sits in the slot.
Guide Blade - The part of the guide which sits in the slot.
H0 - The smallest slot car scale, originally 1:76-1:87, now usually closer to 1:64 scale.
Hub - The inner part of a wheel, not including the tyre.
Inline - A motor configuration with the motor shaft running inline with car, at a right angle to the rear axle.
Inox MX3 - lubricant for improved electrical conductivity of track.K
Kit Bashing - Making a model based on/using bits of other kits.
LC - Lane Change track pieces used in a Digital slot track.
LED - Light Emitting Diode.
Lexan - A thin, lightweight material used for forming body shells.
LMP - Le Mans Prototype - cars run in Le Mans 24hrs race
Magnabraid - Woven braid used as power rails on routed slot tracks. Magnetic, unlike copper tape.
Mint - Factory fresh, unused, as new.
MDF - Medium Density Fibreboard, a popular board material for routed tracks.
Mods – Modifications, performance tuning.
MRRC - A Slot car manufacturer (Model Road Racing Cars).
NASCAR - National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing.
N-Digital - Ninco version of Digital slot racing.
Neodymium - strongest permanent magnets available.
Noob - Newbie – recent slot convert, newly joined member of forum.
NOS - New Old Stock. Old stock that was never sold, so is in original packaging, and effectively as 'new'.
NSR - A Slot car manufacturer.
Open frame motor – non enclosed motor with working parts open to view.
OTB - Out of the Box.
Oversteer - RWD handling characteristic, where the car turns further than the driver intended.
Pacer/Pace Car – A car running on track under the control of the powerbase, not via hand controller.
PB - Powerbase, a track section which supplies power to the track.
PCB - Printed Circuit Board.
PCS32 - A make of chassis/running gear for scratchbuilt or kit bodies.
Pinion - The gear attached to the motor shaft.
PM – Personal Message.
Power taps - Wires carrying power to far end of circuit to maintain current supply.
Pro-X - Early, now obsolete Carrera version of Digital slot racing.
Proxy Race - A race where builders send off their cars around the world, where they are driven by a series other drivers in differnt locations to see which car is best.
PSU - Power Supply Unit.
R/C - Remote Control/Radio Control.
R1 R2 R3 R4 - Radius 1 to 4 Scalextric curves.
RMS - Race Management System.
Routed Track - A custom built track using a router to cut the slots into a board.
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute, the rotational speed.
RTR - Ready To Run - A ready made car not needing any work to run.
Rug Racer – Someone who uses a carpet based temporary layout for slot racing.
RWD - Rear Wheel Drive.
Scale – The dimensions of a slot car compared to the full size version:
- 1:24 - Larger slot car scale. Popular for 60's commercial raceways and some club tracks.
- 1:28 – Rarely used.
- 1:32 - Standard (most popular) scale for slot cars.
- 1:43 - Recent slot car scale addition.
- 1:64 - Small scale slot car scale, e.g.: Micro Scalextric.
Scalex/ Scaley – Abbreviations for Scalextric.
Scratch Build - A model made from scratch using model making skill rather than a kit.
SCX - Spanish slot car company, which uses the Scalextric brand name in the Spanish market only.
SCX-Advance - Current SCX digital slot racing sytem.
SCX-D - Obsolete SCX digital slot racing sytem.
S/F - Start/Finish.
Shelf Queen – Display car, not used for racing.
Sidewinder - A motor positioned parralel to the rear axle.
Sport – Current Scalextric Track system.
Spur Gear - gear with its teeth cut into the edge of the disc, used in anglewinder and sidewinder configurations.
SSD - Scalextric Sport Digital – Scalextric digital slot racing system.
SSW - Scalextric Sport World - obsolete Race Management System.
Tampo - A pad printing process which enables accurate commercial printing onto 3D forms.
TCR - A Slot Car manufacturer - Total Control Racing.
Thingy - performance orientated slot car bearing no relation to a real car.
UR3 - Ultimate Racer (track design software).
Understeer - Handling characteristic where the car doesn't turn as much as intended.
Vintage - Cars or parts from an earlier era in slot car history.
Wallwart - Wall socket mains plug & transformer in one.
X-Acto - Brand of craft knife.
XLC – Straight Lane Changer on a digital track.
4WD - Four wheel drive.
AFX/Tomy - A Slot Car manufacturer.
Anglewinder - A motor positioned at an angle to the rear axle.
APB - Advanced Powerbase. Scalextric digital powerbase.
Armature - The part of the motor which carries the coils.
Bearing - A general term for a device to reduce rotational friction.
Bushing - A sleeve bearing, through which the axles pass.
Braids - Braided wire strips that pick up power from the track rails.
BSCRA - British Slot Car Racing Association.
Can - The metal part of the motor which houses the magnets.
Can motor – A fully enclosed motor.
Chip - A small circuit board that is fitted to a digital car to enable control and use on a digital track.
Classic – Obsolete Scalextric track system.
CLC - Curved Lane Changer, specific to Digital slot track.
C-number - Scalextric product reference system.
Contrate - The gear on the rear axle in an inline motor configuration.
Controller - A hand throttle used to control a slot car.
Copper Tape - The traditional material used in creating power rails for a routed track.
Crown - The gear on the rear axle on an inline motor configuration.
D132 – Current Carrera version of Digital slot racing.
Decal - A water slide tranfer, used to apply graphics to a model.
Deslot - When a car's guide comes out of slot.
DPR - Digital Plug Ready – A Scalextric system allowing easy conversion to digital.
Dremel - Small rotary power tool with interchangeable tips for cutting, drilling, grinding, polishing, etc.
Drop Arm - A hinged arm on some chassis, which allows the guide to rise and fall independent of the chassis.
Endplay - The side to side motion in a fitted axle.
Flipper - The moving part of a digital lane changer which changes the direction of the car.
Floating Motor Pod - An adjustable, moving part of the chassis which holds the motor.
FF - Small, powerful motor fitted to Scalextric F1 cars, amongst others.
FWD - Front Wheel Drive.
Gear Puller - A tool used for removing & replacing press on gears.
Ghost/Ghost Car - Car running on track under control of the powerbase.
Guide - The component under a slot car which holds the braids, and sits in the slot.
Guide Blade - The part of the guide which sits in the slot.
H0 - The smallest slot car scale, originally 1:76-1:87, now usually closer to 1:64 scale.
Hub - The inner part of a wheel, not including the tyre.
Slot Pro Total Inox Faberge
Inline - A motor configuration with the motor shaft running inline with car, at a right angle to the rear axle.
Inox MX3 - lubricant for improved electrical conductivity of track.K
Kit Bashing - Making a model based on/using bits of other kits.
LC - Lane Change track pieces used in a Digital slot track.
LED - Light Emitting Diode.
Lexan - A thin, lightweight material used for forming body shells.
LMP - Le Mans Prototype - cars run in Le Mans 24hrs race
Magnabraid - Woven braid used as power rails on routed slot tracks. Magnetic, unlike copper tape.
Mint - Factory fresh, unused, as new.
MDF - Medium Density Fibreboard, a popular board material for routed tracks.
Mods – Modifications, performance tuning.
MRRC - A Slot car manufacturer (Model Road Racing Cars).
NASCAR - National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing.

N-Digital - Ninco version of Digital slot racing.
Neodymium - strongest permanent magnets available.
Noob - Newbie – recent slot convert, newly joined member of forum.
NOS - New Old Stock. Old stock that was never sold, so is in original packaging, and effectively as 'new'.
NSR - A Slot car manufacturer.
Open frame motor – non enclosed motor with working parts open to view.
OTB - Out of the Box.
Oversteer - RWD handling characteristic, where the car turns further than the driver intended.
Pacer/Pace Car – A car running on track under the control of the powerbase, not via hand controller.
PB - Powerbase, a track section which supplies power to the track.
PCB - Printed Circuit Board.
PCS32 - A make of chassis/running gear for scratchbuilt or kit bodies.
Pinion - The gear attached to the motor shaft.
PM – Personal Message.
Power taps - Wires carrying power to far end of circuit to maintain current supply.
Pro-X - Early, now obsolete Carrera version of Digital slot racing.
Slot Pro Total Inox Faber Price
Proxy Race - A race where builders send off their cars around the world, where they are driven by a series other drivers in differnt locations to see which car is best.
PSU - Power Supply Unit.
R/C - Remote Control/Radio Control.
R1 R2 R3 R4 - Radius 1 to 4 Scalextric curves.
RMS - Race Management System.
Routed Track - A custom built track using a router to cut the slots into a board.
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute, the rotational speed.
RTR - Ready To Run - A ready made car not needing any work to run.
Rug Racer – Someone who uses a carpet based temporary layout for slot racing.
RWD - Rear Wheel Drive.
Scale – The dimensions of a slot car compared to the full size version:
- 1:24 - Larger slot car scale. Popular for 60's commercial raceways and some club tracks.
- 1:28 – Rarely used.
- 1:32 - Standard (most popular) scale for slot cars.
- 1:43 - Recent slot car scale addition.
- 1:64 - Small scale slot car scale, e.g.: Micro Scalextric.
Scalex/ Scaley – Abbreviations for Scalextric.
Scratch Build - A model made from scratch using model making skill rather than a kit.
SCX - Spanish slot car company, which uses the Scalextric brand name in the Spanish market only.
SCX-Advance - Current SCX digital slot racing sytem.
SCX-D - Obsolete SCX digital slot racing sytem.
S/F - Start/Finish.
Shelf Queen – Display car, not used for racing.
Sidewinder - A motor positioned parralel to the rear axle.
Sport – Current Scalextric Track system.
Spur Gear - gear with its teeth cut into the edge of the disc, used in anglewinder and sidewinder configurations.
SSD - Scalextric Sport Digital – Scalextric digital slot racing system.
SSW - Scalextric Sport World - obsolete Race Management System.
Tampo - A pad printing process which enables accurate commercial printing onto 3D forms.
TCR - A Slot Car manufacturer - Total Control Racing.
Thingy - performance orientated slot car bearing no relation to a real car.
UR3 - Ultimate Racer (track design software).
Faber Slot Pro Total Inox Vapor
Understeer - Handling characteristic where the car doesn't turn as much as intended.
Vintage - Cars or parts from an earlier era in slot car history.
Wallwart - Wall socket mains plug & transformer in one.
X-Acto - Brand of craft knife.
XLC – Straight Lane Changer on a digital track.